Company Overview


If you are a homeowner and have received a statement for a Facilities Assessment or Water & Sewer Charge, please see the Facility Charges page for additional information.

Title Companies and Real Estate Brokerage firms seeking information on assessments for a specific property must submit a written request for information. Please see the Information Requests page for additional information.

Rudder Management, Inc. provides remote administrative services to investors, developers, and local small businesses. Services offered include bookkeeping, reception, data entry, mail production, facilities assessment management, and more. Please contact us to determine how we can help keep your investment on course.

Facility Charges

If payment of this assessment is included in your mortgage escrow, please forward a copy of this bill to your lender, and contact them to confirm they will send timely payment on your behalf. 

A check or money order can be mailed to the address on the bottom right-hand corner of your statement. Please include the Unit reference number located on the top right corner of your statement on all payments and correspondence.  

Your personal bank may provide an online “bill pay” service on their website that can be used to process a payment on your behalf. The process of setting up a payee can vary among banks; contact your bank directly should you have questions. Please be sure to include your Unit reference number as a memo on your payment.

We are unable to process payments over the phone.

When a community is developed, the costs of connecting homes to the local municipality that provides water and/or sewer services may be deferred and recovered in the form of a private water and sewer facilities assessment. The deferred facilities assessments are established through the recordation of a Declaration in the county land records which obligates property owners to pay the facilities assessment in installments over a period of years. The assessments are tied to the property and transfer to the new owner when a home is sold.  The assessment should be disclosed at the time of purchase to all owners and future owners as specified by the Declaration and in accordance with the applicable county code. 

The owner of the home is responsible for paying the charges.  If the purchase of your home has been financed, your mortgage company may be collecting funds to pay these charges on your behalf from your mortgage escrow account.  If so, contact your lender to ensure timely payment will be made on your behalf.

Should you retain ownership of your home but change your mailing address, please notify us in writing so that we may update our records.  Should you sell your home please ensure that this assessment is disclosed to your realtor, title company, and the home buyer.


No. The local municipality that provides your home with water and sewer services will assume usage and maintenance of the utilities infrastructure once it is dedicated for public use.   The utilities provider that services your home will assess charges for water and/or sewer usage which are not related to a deferred facilities assessment.           

Information Requests

Title Companies and or Real Estate Brokerage Firms seeking information regarding assessments for a specific property must submit a written request to Rudder Management, Inc. The request can be submitted via e-mail to [email protected] or via facsimile (410) 647-7598.

Information requests must include the following information:

  • Complete Property Address
  • Current Owners Name
  • Settlement Date (if available)
  • Indication as to whether the request is regarding a sale or refinance

Please allow at least 2 business days for the processing of the written request. Thank you for your cooperation.